Activities – Greece
C2 How to prevent internet addiction?
Day 1:
Each joint information seminar on Technology Addiction has been held. Technology addiction, a teacher seminar was presented to teachers of participating schools and documents have been shared.
Day 2:
Making a workshop for the establishment of a technology addiction student training module: In our participating schools, a student training module has been established by evaluating the studies and resources to prevent technology addiction.
Day 3:
Making workshops for the creation of a technology addiction parent training module: Parents education module was created by evaluating the studies and resources made for parents to prevent technology addiction in our participating schools.
Day 4:
A scenario for a short movie for internet addiction was made, by all groups. The movie was shot from teachers and students of 5th Lyceum of Acharnes, Greece, after the LTT.
Day 5:
Post-test and internet addiction material creation: Training modules on Technology Addiction Prevention for students and parents were created.
As a result of LTT activities, pre-test and post-test were applied to increase the awareness and knowledge level of the participants about technology addiction and were evaluated.
During LTT activity: Information sharing, sample practices, workshops, analysis and the use of resources for the creation of different products were used to increase the skills of our participating school teachers to combat Technology Addiction.
Our leader school has been providing Technology Training for addiction to technology addiction for 3 years within the scope of the Project on Addiction with Technology. By increasing awareness and competence of teachers of our participating schools in preventing technology addiction it is aimed to decrease the technology addiction rate by providing conscious technology and Internet usage skills. Pre-test and post-test will were applied to the participant teachers before and after the technology addiction education.